Sub Basement 2015-2017

A dark comedy exploring the importance of art, the overlooked wisdom of the homeless, and a journey to finding one's own path.

See the theater production HERE

This series of figurative and abstract paintings were inspired by, and accompanied, the theatrical production by the same name, produced in NYC in 2017.

Sub-Basement follows Adrienne, a former poet, now Royal Canadian Mounted Police trainee, on an absurdist odyssey to find her true purpose amidst the dark corners of New York City, the depths of the Drama Book Shop, and her muddled past. Her voyage is guided by two homeless men, Gustav (a one-time climatologist) and Arnaud (an erstwhile poet), all while being pursued by Simon, who (unbeknownst to her) has become her fiancé.

Are we ever free of the disappointments of the past, and can we escape the expectation of our parents? This work represents a voyage deep into the sub-basement of Adrienne’s psyche — as she tries to discover what’s genuinely important in life.

The paintings on canvas are based in the specific characters, while the smaller works on paper delve into the interior world of the psyche, the sub-basement to the human consciousness.

The paintings are acrylic, ink and collage on canvas, 48” x 24”, $1250/each
The smaller works on paper are gouache and ink on paper, 10” x 8”, $250/each (unframed)

(click on the image to see the full series)

Sub Basement paintings on canvas

Sub Basement works on paper