Paintings from the Aether 1997-1998

Painted in 1997 and 1998 at a time when I was learning about "chaos" theory and the underlying unity of systems in our universe that this premise implies, I created this series of works to express the interlacing of energy and movement that powers our physical world.

Chaos theory posits that the underlying systems governing everything from sub-atomic interactions to stock market movement are fundamentally unpredictable. However, order grows from this disorder; and that which is seen and ultimately understood in the world of our senses emerges from this incomprehensible soup.

This series of paintings captures this nexus between the underlying chaotic foundations of our universe and the world of seeming predictability in which we live. The images are amplifications of things that are infinitesimally small, like the motivation of a thought abandoned before it comes to complete fruition, or the physical reality of an emotion.

Ultimately, like all of my work, these paintings are about movement, about life, and about the mystery of a universe that cobbled us together from a chaotic vacuum burst out of an infinity. They express those things which we can't see and rarely think about – the chaos upon which our every breath and thought are founded.