Life Verbatim, a novel, Published

Life Verbatim, an Anti-Antidisestablishmentarianism Tale, is available for reading! At at the intersection of George Orwell's 1984, Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and William Burroughs's Naked Lunch, Life Verbatim offers cultural criticism in a literal, though imagined world.
This hero's quest tale includes a new economic model of goldenfreude (a combination of greed and limited resources, underpinning the economy); the Ice Man Truck (where little girls' tears turn to gold); Education Worms (replete with vacuum teets) for the kids; synthetically lobotomized voles (to service the keeper of goldenfreude), Nine Circles of Walmart High Command and a cameo by the word "is," from President Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky deposition, given on Jan. 17, 1998 ('is' is not 'is.'). It includes many more facets, touching on culture, human nature, politics and the struggle between justice and power.

Check it out HERE!


Two plays on tap in NYC!


Human Rights Painting Project at Partners Global, DC